Articles Articles

Metal Roofing and Skylights

March 25, 2014

Any type of roofing and skylights have special installation considerations to ensure water-tightness. Many homeowners ask me if they can have a skylight with their metal roof. The answer, of course, is “Yes!” but there are a few things that must be kept in mind. Folks will worry about the noise from rain hitting a… ( read more )

Today’s Metal Roofing? It Might Not Be What You Think

March 16, 2014

Metal roofing has a very long history in the USA as well as across the globe. Notre Dame, The Pantheon, Monticello, even the cap of the Washington Monument – all of these had some form of metal protecting them. But, while metal was originally costly and time-consuming, meaning it was used largely on various significant… ( read more )

Expert Todd Miller’s Top 10 Metal Roofing Considerations

January 2, 2014

Does your home need a new roof? Homeowners are increasingly considering metal as an option when re-roofing their homes as well as when building new homes. I have created this list of the “Top Ten Metal Roofing Considerations.” My Top 10 Metal Roofing Considerations for Homeowners What warranties will you receive with your new roof?… ( read more )

Metal Roofing Prices

September 28, 2013

If you’re researching a metal roof for your home, at some point you’re bound to wonder the obvious question about what the prices of these products are. Yet, if you search for “Metal Roofing Prices,” you get very little information that is helpful. It may all even begin to feel like a sham or a… ( read more )

What Are You Reading?

August 4, 2013

This summer has afforded me some time for reading. I know that it doesn’t have anything to do with roofing (maybe!) but I thought I’d go off topic a bit and share what I am reading this summer. I’d love it if you would drop me a note and let me know what you’re reading…. ( read more )

Copper Metal Roofing Shingles

April 7, 2013

Copper roofing has been the stalwart during my time in this industry. Over the years, I have seen many advancements as well as trends in residential metal roofing. I have seen increased market share as well as the development of more products specifically for homes. The thing that has been consistent, though, is that copper… ( read more )