Articles Articles

Why Choose a Metal Roof? – Video

September 30, 2009

Roof Algae: What Is That Stuff On My Roof?

July 8, 2009

As asphalt and fiberglass shingles age, they can sometimes develop streaks of discoloration. This is especially prevalent in damp climates or shaded areas. While these streaks are often seen as a sign of aging of the roof, they are actually biological growth. As dirt accumulates on standard shingles over time, it gets stuck in the… ( read more )

The Value of Reflective Metal Roofing

May 28, 2009

US Energy Secretary Steven Chu recently made some very good comments about the value of reflective metal roofing in terms of reducing energy costs for our country. The only problem was that he made reference only to roofs that are White in color. This is a pretty significant omission especially considering the current US federal… ( read more )

Warranties Need Not Be A War

May 20, 2009

The roofing industry talks about warranties a lot. On the composition shingle side of things, products will even be referenced in regards to their warranty. They will be called a “20-year” or “30-year” shingle. However, the manufacturers of those products will tell you that their warranty is not a guarantee nor even a prediction of… ( read more )

Interlocking Panels: Start At The Very Beginning

One of the greatest benefits of many metal roofing systems is that the panels interlock with one another. They are not held together and held to the roof by just gravity or fasteners but the panels actually interlock one to the next, creating a continuous protective shield for the structure below. However, this interlock can… ( read more )

What Drives Me

We all have things that drive us … those things which we will go to the ends of the earth to accomplish … those things which give us satisfaction and make us feel “real” … those things that we truly believe we are on this earth to do. For me, that driving force is a… ( read more )